Academic Research Connections
2024 Summer Course Descriptions
Part I: Dealing with Difficult Individuals, 2 NNU Credits: The Part I: Dealing with Difficult Individuals course takes a look at various techniques used in dealing with conflict. The ability to deal with people is even more important today with the pressures of our fast-paced environment. Coping skills are important in order to handle conflict in a professional and productive way. Obtaining these skills and using them effectively is a challenge for educators.

Part II: Dealing with Difficult Parents, 2 NNU Credits: Pre-requisite Part I course. The Part II Dealing with Difficult Parents course continues to look at ways that an educator can deal with a difficult parent and/or peer. This type of stressful situation becomes ranked at the top of the list when it comes to what educators are facing today. Resource tools are provided for an approach in handling conflicts with parents. 

Part 1: Safeguards Against Bullying, 2 NNU Credits: How big of a problem is bullying today and can educators easily identify when a problem exists in their classroom or on the playground? What are the characteristics and impact to a victim of bullying? Can the negative behavior of a bully be turned around? This course provides helpful hints for the educator that can also be shared with parents. 

Part 2: The Crisis of Cyberbullying, 2 NNU Credits: The Crisis of Cyberbullying is the second course available in our bullying series. Cyberbullying can be more difficult to detect than other kinds of bullying. But when you know what to look for, you can take action. 160,000 American youth skip school in fear of bullying. Cyberbullying has a potential of being very dark and difficult to detect. This course will focus on strategies, resources and tools that educators can use to inform their students and their parents on the crisis of cyberbullying.

Designing a Project Based Learning (PBL) Classroom, 2 NNU Credits: Project Based Learning (PBL) is not new however research shows that business and industry are choosing employees who have strong skills that prove successful in today’s work environment. Communication, presentation skills, etc. are skills that PBL provides. It can be an enjoyable and effective way to learn and apply concepts. Students embrace PBL but many times educators fall back into a “cookie-cutter” method of instruction. This course provides great ideas for beginning the process.

Learning With The Heart, 2 NNU Credits: Can Students learn without emotional involvement? Can a teacher instruct without emotional involvement? This course is designed to provide an overview of the importance of the critical role the heart plays in effecting our emotional experience. Tools are provide that present opportunity for development of higher-order thinking skills, learner readiness, decision making, and test-taking as well as for social and emotional behavior.

Using APPS in the Classroom, 2 NNU Credits: Today the use of Apps in the classroom is expanding the learning experience for students by assisting the educator with dynamic, engaging and concept building supplements to their core curriculum. There are thousands of Apps today that can assist this effort. Let's explore some proven Apps that will be a tremendous asset for those day to day topics.

Puzzles of the Past, 2 NNU Credits: This curriculum takes a core social studies topic and integrates science, math, social studies and English. It looks at ancient civilizations and modern-society. Students can find career exploration opportunities and terrific hands-on activities while discovering the Puzzles of the Past.

Is it Possible to be a "Happy" Teacher Everyday?, 2 NNU Credits: As stated on the cover of Michael Linsin’s book entitled The Happy Teacher Habits—based on the latest research and drawing on experts from the worlds of business, marketing, sports, entertainment, music and medicine, you will learn simple, actionable strategies that will eliminate your teaching stress. The ideas presented will supercharge your ability to motivate and inspire your students, and empower you to really love your job. Is it possible? A terrific way to improving ourselves and the lives of our students. 

Today's Energy, 2 NNU Credits: The Today's Energy curriculum studies the relationships between agriculture, water, fossil fuel, wind and nuclear energy. It is designed to provide basic building blocks of the future of energy and what the sources of today can or cannot provide.

Preparing Today's Sports Players Without Over Involvement from Parents. 2 NNU Credits: Parents are fighting with referees, coaches, their kids and one another. Students today are losing their passion to play sports and WHY? This course will look into some of the issues that are putting American youth sports in crisis, In the book from Dr. Jerry Lynch we gain guidance on how to “Let Them Play”.

Part I: Autistic Children & Other Brain Disorders, 2 NNU Credits: Districts and teachers are faced with the issue of integrating an autistic child into the classroom. How do you provide a fair and reasonable education and still maintain the excitement and joy of learning and teaching? This course looks at various aspects of the issue and provides helpful tools that work for special needs children.

Part II: A Further Look at the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), 2 NNU Credits, Pre-requisite is the Part I course: Teachers face the inherent challenges of educating students with an ASD. Theses students have both strengths and challenges that influence their academic achievements. Part II in this series provides you with additional various intervention strategies and resources that have proven successful.

Physical Science for Intermountain Educators (PRIME), 2 NNU Credits: Physical Science along with Physics can be a topic of incredible discovery and exploration for students! Is that the practice and methods that you are using? PRIME provides you with fun hands-on activities along with a "Rock & Roll Physics" DVD and curriculum from the New Explorers series. Don't miss this chance to provide a life-long experience for your students and allow them to discover how FUN school can be!  

Attitude—Can it Make or Break an Educator, 2 NNU Credits (Available after September 20th): As stated in his book “Attitude 101” John C Maxwell states: As an individual, your attitude has a profound impact on your life. A person’s attitude impacts their relationships, colors their view of failure and defines their approach to success. Attitude can make or break you!! This course will provide you with simple steps that can be taken to not only improve your attitude but these steps are guaranteed to bring joy to your life! Certainly an opportunity for all educators.

Part 1: Let’s Fly in Space, 2 NNU Credits: Let’s take a look at life in space, former explorers, and what the future will hold for our students in the deep and dark unknown of outer space. Great video clips and curriculum provided that helps guide the exploration of a student.

Part II: The Challenge of Going to MARS, 2 NNU Credits (Pre-requisite is the Part I course): This course takes a look at MARS, the history, the challenges and the future. The NASA website states: “Mars is right next door to Earth, but it isn't very neighborly. Two-thirds of all international missions have failed, but an undaunted human spirit and hard work keep us on a path to explore Mars - a world so much like our own, but much more hostile and uninviting”. Let’s Explore MARS!

Part I—Our Earth Today: Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Fires, 2 NNU Credits: The Our Earth Today curriculum is a dynamic look at our restless earth. This curriculum is complimentary for middle school students and provides great hands-on exploration and discovery. Video clips of the New Explorers series provide a real-world look at volcanoes, earthquakes and the effect on nature during and after a fire.

Part II—Our Earth Today: Oceans, Weather and Climate-2 NNU Credits: How do oceans affect weather and climate? Oceans cover more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and contains about 97 percent of its water. The ocean plays a fundamental role in shaping the climate zones we see on land. What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate? It is important today for students to have a basic understanding of oceans, weather and climate. This course provides an abundance of resource tools to assist the educator. 

How to Explain Global Warming-2 NNU Credits:  Global Warming is an issue that is hard to explain. This course will provide you with great ideas to promote taking care of our planet and teaching student’s life-long responsibility. Material provided gives both the pros and cons of the issue. 

Part I—Our Earth Today: Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Fires, 2 NNU Credits:  The Our Earth Today curriculum is a dynamic look at our restless earth. This curriculum is complimentary for middle school students and provides great hands-on exploration and discovery. Video clips of the New Explorers series provide a real-world look at volcanoes, earthquakes and the effect on nature during and after a fire.

Part II—Our Earth Today: Oceans, Weather and Climate-2 NNU Credits:  How do oceans affect weather and climate? Oceans cover more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and contains about 97 percent of its water. The ocean plays a fundamental role in shaping the climate zones we see on land. What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate? It is important today for students to have a basic understanding of oceans, weather and climate. This course provides an abundance of resource tools to assist the educator. 

Life in the Rainforest—2 NNU Credits:  Life in the Rainforest provides the New Explorers series that studies the "20th Century Medicine Man", "Islands in the Jungle" and "What Children of the River" are doing to clean up our own environment in the United States.

Do We Teach Students in Poverty Differently? 2 NNU Credits:  Using Eric Jensen's book-Teaching with Poverty in Mind: Practical Strategies for Raising Achievement, participants will discuss how engagement is the key factor to the academic success of economically disadvantaged students. The components of this course include: Designing smart and purposeful engagement strategies that will be used to expand students' cognitive capacity; increase motivation and academic effort, while building a deeper enduring understanding of content. Evaluate how automating engagement in the classroom can help teachers use instructional time more effectively and empower students to take ownership of their learning.

Teaching Tomorrow’s Leaders 2 NNU Credits:  Does a leader come by leadership traits naturally? Our personality and work ethic has a great deal to do with leadership however there are fundamental skills that students need by guiding them to be creative thinkers, productive, responsible citizens and compassionate caring leaders in the classroom. This course will provide an opportunity for educators to build the fundamental traits required for tomorrow’s leaders.

What Have Animals Taught Us? 2 NNU Credits:  A look at dinosaurs to modern day animals. How they evolved and survived. What can our students learn about the earth, weather, climate and survival.

Animals and Their Environment are They Being Protected—2 NNU Credits:  Using the New Explorers Series this course will look at various animals, their environment, and if they are being protected from being endangered.